Sunday, December 9, 2012

What Is Hyperemesis Gravidarum? The Poor Princess...

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge were forced to make the early announcement about Catherine’s pregnancy due to her hyperemesis gravidarum (HG) that landed her in the hospital. While the world was thrilled for their news, many had never heard of HG and those women who experienced it personally offered their knowing support.  The word ‘hyperemesis’ basically means vomiting excessively while gravidarum refers to a pregnant woman.  As many women report vomiting in the early weeks of their pregnancies, HG is a much more severe form that requires serious attention.

It is estimated that HG occurs in 0.3 – 1% of pregnant women, which is a relatively small subset considering about 50-80% of women experience ‘normal’ nausea and vomiting.  The condition is so severe that women can lose significant body weight due to malnourishment as they are not able to eat or drink because of the nausea and then they have excessive vomiting.  Women with HG often require medical treatment (as is the case with the Duchess of Cambridge) as IV fluids are needed to prevent dehydration and medications for nausea may be necessary. 

HG can affect a pregnant woman’s electrolyte balance, her kidney function, create problems with the stomach and esophagus and affect the growing fetus.  Unfortunately, those who experience HG with their first pregnancy will often go on to have it with subsequent pregnancies. The exact cause of HG is unknown with many speculating genetics, hormones, and over-sensitivity to HCG in the body, plus other more significant conditions in the body such as gastrointestinal or liver problems.  Some believe that carrying twins increases the risk for HG due to the increased hormone and HCG level in the body.  The concern for the baby is that they have a higher risk for being born early, born underweight and born small for their age.

Like non-HG women with nausea and vomiting, hydration and nourishment is very important.  The medical community often uses B-vitamins in IV or injection to help such as B1, B6 and B12.  The herb ginger, especially when used in the form of a candy to suck on or tea has anti-nausea effects.  Acupuncture has also been shown to be helpful for both nausea and vomiting. 

Hyperemesis Gravidarum should not be taken lightly and a pregnant woman experiencing excessive nausea and vomiting causing weight loss should immediately consult with their medical provider or proceed to the nearest hospital for full evaluation.   Thankfully the Duchess did just that and will hopefully have a wonderful pregnancy.

To read more at the women's health website, Empowher, click HERE!


1.       ACOG Guidelines for Treating Nausea and Vomiting in Pregnant Women Reviewed.  Web.  9 December, 2012.
2.       Nausea and vomiting in pregnancy: Blooming or bloomin’ awful? A review of the literature.  Web.  9 December, 2012.
3.       Treatment of Hyperemesis Gravidarum.  Web.  9 December, 2012.

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