Sunday, October 26, 2008

Slow down there speedy!

Are you the first one done at a meal?
Wiping your mouth in satisfaction while others are still cutting their meat?
Do people make fun of the fact that you "inhale" rather than "chew?"

Well keep reading and start chewing...s-l-o-w-l-y!
A recent study in the British Medical Journal found that eating quickly until full tripled your chances of being overweight! They cited cheap, fast food and eating in front of the television as major contributors to absent eating.

Chewing your food starts the digestion process. What you don't chew up into itty-bitty tiny pieces from your mouth makes more work for your stomach then small intestines. This leads to indigestion, malabsorption, gas and bloating plus all those other unpleasant intestinal problems.

Here's a little trick - chew each bite at least 30 times! I'm not kidding. Put your fork down between takes or set the burger/sandwhich back on the plate while you chew.

And stop drinking a lot of fluids with your meals - this dilutes your digestive juices! Take a few sips if you need to but pounding a large soda, glass of water or iced tea makes it that much harder to digest those large pieces into tiny particles for absorption.

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