Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Plastic - Potentially Toxic?

The federal National Toxicology Program said Tuesday that experiments on rats found precancerous tumors, urinary tract problems and early puberty when the animals were fed or injected with low doses of the plastics chemical bisphenol A.

This is something that environment groups have known for years...but what is it?

Bisphenol A is a chemical found in shatter-proof hard plastics such as baby bottles, storage containers, water bottles, food containers...etc. The idea is that it is an "endocrine disruptor" in that it mimics the actions of estrogen.

Eek! The world does not need more estrogen! Our kids do not need more estrogen!

According to the article, the CDC reports that more than 90 percent of Americans are exposed to trace amounts of bisphenol. The chemical leaches out of water bottles, the lining of cans and other items made with it.

One state, New Jersey, has already passed a bill banning the sale of plastic with bisphenol in it. Canada's health system is also doing similar research and looking to report their findings soon.

What can you do?

Don't use plastic. If you must use plastic then absolutely do not store anything hot in it. Do not put hot food or liquid in the plastic because it will leach out 55 times faster!

Use glass containers to both drink out of and store your food.

Here's to a healthier you and a healthier environment!

1 comment:

Angela Todd said...

Dr. Jones - I appreciate you making more aware of the dangers of plastic. A couple of years ago, I stopped using plastic containers for leftovers expecially for meats, cheeses and acidic foods. It made a noticeable difference in how I felt. Many of us are particulary sensitive to these chemicals. Anyone who has experienced estrogen dominance knows it is no walk in the park.